Ace Contact Manager - Version 7.1.57 ACE Contact Manager CRM Scheduler - 7.1.57 helpsscheduling events and tasks for customer, to PLAN theOpportunity1. The most attractive point about ACE is itsflexibility - the user can change any data field label( also length and data type ) on the screen in theirown language ( Left to right readable languages). Itneeds no administrator to run or configure.2. ACE 7.n.nn has the capability to work for any andevery business segment with multiple databases withuser defined connections / links between databaserecords of same or different database. There areseveral industry segment wise database templatesprovided with ACE7, like Sales, Accounting etc.3. User can run prospect / customer wise survey from ACE7.4. User can maintain date-wise expenses for each customer, 5. User can maintain attached documents for eachcustomer record in a user defined classified way (document management )6. ACE7 is suitable for email and snail mail (post card) campaign without depending on outlook.7. ACE7 is suitable for bulk mail marketing / opt-inmail blasting.8. User Managers can assign tasks (and track thecompletion ) to their subordinates as users, thusmanaging human resources.9. Events, meetings, automatic greetings are part of ACE7.10. Implementation of Sales Funnel is easy in ACE7.Users can be classified in max 26 groups.11. User defined reports are available in ACE7, apartfrom a few fixed format standard reports.12. A small module on inventory and invoicing in users'own country currency is available in ACE7.13. Minutes of the meeting with customer or vendor (discussion history) can be maintained.14. There is Query by example as well as query on fewimportant fields.