Altova DatabaseSpy Enterprise Edition - Version 2019sp2 Altova DatabaseSpy Enterprise Edition is the unique multi-database query, design, compare, and convert tool from the creators of XMLSpy. DatabaseSpy connects to all major databases, easing SQL editing and other database tasks for a fraction of the cost of single-database solutions. DatabaseSpy provides a straightforward database connection wizard and organizes connections and related project files to make accessing your databases and their components effortless. You can open connections to multiple databases at once, even databases of different types. It clearly presents tables, views, stored procedures, and data in convenient windows, and lets you directly edit database content. DatabaseSpy's SQL Editor facilitates query writing with code completion, syntax coloring, drag & drop editing, and more. You can retrieve data from multiple tables and display results in individual, named windows for maximum clarity. DatabaseSpy generates customized business intelligence charts from query results in your choice of line, bar, pie, area, gauge, or candlestick styles. DatabaseSpy's