Apollo - Version 37zz Apollo started out as a MP3-player. It is recognized by its outstanding MP3 decoding quality, powerful continuous playback support and advanced playlist capabilities. It supports different file formats through so called input plug-ins. Writing an input plug-ins is rather straight forward (see the plug-ins page for more info) and thus Apollo can be easily made to support new audio formats. The player routines provide continuous playback or even a crossfade between tracks on all supported formats and with all output types (standard Wave Out, DirectSound and WAV file output). It is possible to direct the output into a WAV file, thus making it possible, for instance, to decode MP3s for writing them onto a CD. The player routines also provide a realtime 16-band equalizer for all file types.Currently Apollo ships with two input plug-ins: Apollo MPEG decoder and Apollo WAV decoder. The MPEG decoder is capable of handling both MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and MPEG-2.5 audio layer 2 and 3 files (i.e. MP2- and MP3-