ArtSong - Version ArtSong™ is a versatile MIDI-based algorithmic music composition system for Windows® computers. ArtSong™ offers an alternative to 'either/or' by uniquely combining the music-structuring capabilities of pattern-looping programs with the open-creativity of generative programs. Generate larger coordinated musical structures with greater creative control over the balance of repetition vs novelty.ArtSong™ offers multiple ways of composing ranging from simply adding musical segments and assigning presets to customizing individual value-ranges and assigning driving-functions to the 100 or more variables controlling the composition process. Variables are provided for form, phrasing, melody,harmony, rhythm, and texture. Driving functions vary from user-specified value sequences to random value sequences and include various pattern generators, fourier functions, IFS and Quadratic function attractors, ramp functions, Text to MIDI, and Image to MIDI.