BMP To PDF Converter - Version 4.5 BMP To PDF Converter is an automated converter totransform different format images to PDF format filesin very less time and simple steps. JPG to PDFConverter is completely capable to transform any numberof any format image files and expediently supports allcommunal and eminent formats such as JPEG, JPG, TIF,TIFF, BMP, PCX, PIC, PSD, PNG, GIF, EMF, WMF and manymore. Application offers widely implemented resource toperform batch conversion of multitudinous imagesexisting in multiple and multi-level destinations.Image To PDF Converter converts with fast andconsistent rapidity to similar or diverse format imagesin one common conversion action with no technicalconfliction. Utility is totally flexible in allversions of Windows Operating System and not requisiteof any additional designing or editing package. Programis absolutely safe, secure and simple in use throughvastly executed usual steps including graphical wizardfor trouble free installation and virus protected handyinterface to opt numerous images to develop PDFdocuments. Key Features * Swiftly and simply transformssome or several images to PDF files. * Compatible toconvert utmost image formats viz. TIFF, BMP, PCX, PIC,PSD, PNG, GIF, JPG, EMF, WMF etc to identical PDFdocuments. * Implements miscellaneous settings andproperties before and during conversion. * Competent toadjoin metadata like watermark, logo, title, author,subject etc in output PDF format files. * Efficient tocustomize images via adjusting image resolution, color,size, rotation and so on. * Generates common orindividual PDF file for images. * Compliant with allWindows Operating System including 98, NT, 2000, XP,Vista etc. * Incredibly easy in use with user friendlywizard and interface. * No technical and designingexpertise is required.