Barcode Labels Tool - Version User can easily download Barcode Labels Tool fromdeveloper’s website at verycheap cost which helps and facilitates users to developindustrial specific tags, stickers or coupons,holograms etc in just fraction of seconds for labelingand tagging thousands of various kinds of industrialproducts in just simple manner. Professional labelgenerator program helps manufacturing and retailindustries for enhancing growth of organization bymaking their product unique in many ways. Effectivebarcode creating utility helps you to edit in designingpattern of stickers such as text format, colors,caption text area, font size, shape and various otherdesigning features. User friendly barcode printingutility easily prints bulk number of prices tags orimages on single sheet of paper in just fraction ofseconds and also save all stickers in different imageformats such as jpeg, tiff, wmf etc for flexibilitypurposes. Barcode label generator facilitates you tocut or copy multiple barcodes and save them to any MSoffice location such as MS-word, excel, paint etc.Barcode label creating utility supports all latestversions of windows operating system such as XP, Vista,7 etc for better installation and creating usersacceptable labels with an ease. Barcode label generatorprogram is much effective in multiple industries suchas warehousing companies, inventory system, ticketingpurpose, health care centers etc. Features:*Professional barcode label generator software easilyprints large amount of labels on single sheet of paperin just fraction of seconds. *Commercial barcode generator tool supports multiplelinear and 2D barcode font symbologies for providingdefinite pattern to labels or tags. *With the help of barcode labeling application, you candevelop product specific labels or stickers helpful fortagging purposes. *Barcode label tool create labels or coupons of similaror different pattern at same time