Business Barcode Software - Version facilitates to print multiplecopies of same barcode tags on same or different paperswith option to use designing tool to create attractiveand colorful stickers on computer. Business BarcodeSoftware is simplest tool for creating high resolutiontags and labels for post offices and banking industriesand provides facility to simplify day to day postalworking. Barcode application helps in generating bulkrolls in printable formats which can be prints on anypapers in different size and shapes with option to savegenerated designs for future uses and save them on PC.Barcode designing tool helps in creating multipleseries of stickers using constant, random andsequential value function for generating attractivelabels. Postal barcode labeling software uses linearand 2D bar code fonts styles which helps in generatinghigh resolution and rich quality stickers on owncomputer. Bar code software provides perfect solutionto create attractive coupons in less time and fewclicks and uses various formats of images like jpeg,gif, png, bmp, tiff, emf etc. Sticker designing toolprovides option to generate scan able and printabletags and rolls with option to print them on same papersmultiple times. Barcode sticker creation toolfacilitates colors, images, fonts and texts settingswhich help in creating attractive and industrystandards labels and rolls. Sticker printing softwareprovides solution for all postal and banking labelingrequirements and can generates specific tags in lesstime and efforts.Features:* Barcode generator software generates stickers inbulks with support of images, colors, text and fontsstyles.* Sticker creation tool easily helps in printing bulkstickers on same or different papers in any size and shape.* Barcode tool can be use by anyone without any experttraining and can generate labels for person uses.