Cibersql Web Admin - Version 1.0 Cibersql Web Admin is the most powerful web-basedsoftware application that allows companies to securelymanage, develop and administer Microsoft SQL Serverdatabases over the internet. Cibersql Web Adminuniqueness lies in the fact that it is web-based andcan therefore be used from anywhere in the world. Weprovide virtually all the functionality provided byEnterprise Manager and we are the only company thatprovides a fully managed application with such anarsenal of features. Cibersql Web Admin allows you tomanage virtually all database objects including tables,views, stored procedures, triggers, functions, datatypes, alerts, jobs, operators, databases, indexes,table relationships and many more. We have also addedinnovative new features such as data export to manydifferent formats, including Excel, XML, RTF, and eventpower point. Cibersql Web admin currently runs onMicrosoft Windows NT, 2000, XP, 2003 and supportsMicrosoft SQL Server 7.0, 2000 and MSDE.