Coin Tracker - Version 2.2 Coin Tracker is a simple but powerful database programfor coin collectors to use for cataloging theircollection of coins. Thirty different data fieldsallow you to store detailed information about eachcoin, including country, description, condition anderrors. A keyword search feature allows you to searchfor information within any data field. A Quantityfield makes it easy to track how many coins you have ofeach type if there are duplicates in your collection. Many details can be entered quickly with pop-downlists, and you may customize the options available onthe lists. Separate fields allow you to track what youpaid for each coin, its catalog value and the price yousold it for. A notes field and miscellaneous fieldsallow you to enter additional information that isimportant to you. The program can produce a variety of standard reportsand you have the option to create completely customizedreports containing the exact information you areinterested in. All reports can be viewed on thescreen, printed, saved to a text file to export yourdata, or used to generate an html table for puttinginformation about your collection on the Web. Coin Tracker is easy enough for coin collectors withany level of computer experience to use. Detailedonline, context sensitive help is available throughoutthe program. An uninstall option is provided.