Convert Microsoft SQL to MySQL - Version MSSQL database converter software systematicallyconverts entire database records or individual tablesfrom MSSQL database server to MySQL server. MSSQL toMySQL database conversion tool automatically convertwhole database or selected table’s records according toyour interest. Database converter software used tomigrate Microsoft SQL server into already existingMySQL database or stores in a new database destinationand maintains the database accuracy. Database migrationprogram supports default values, attributes, nullvalues, unique key or primary key constraints or alldata types of MSSQL database server. Databaseconversion from MSSQL database to MySQL is a reliableand easy process that helps you to convert your entiredatabase which contains thousands of records or tablesin a very short period of time. MSSQL to MySQL dbconverter software is fully automated databasesynchronization tool provides you an option that youcan export MSSQL data into new database or overwritethe contents of an existing MySQL database according torequirement. Application provides you a completesolution to convert the entire database or selectedtables in an easiest or quickest way and provides you abetter and excellent result. MSSQL to MySQL convertersoftware supports user friendly GUI interface so it iseasy to use and does not require any technicalknowledge to operate it.Features:* Application supports all MSSQL and MySQL data typesand attributes.* Software supports all major versions of MSSQLdatabase server.* You can automatically convert database into newdatabase destination or overwrite existing database.* Software supports GUI interface and does not requireany technical knowledge to operate it.* Database migration software easily installs on allwindows operating system.