Data Recovery NTFS - Version NTFS disk partition backup program restore accidentlyformatted digital media files and folders deleted dueto human error or hardware malfunction. Windows NTFSpartition file restoration tool recovers deleted orformatted data including pictures, images, video clips,multimedia files, photo album from hard disk drive. NTFS partition data recovery tool retrieves encryptedand compressed files with text, Audio/Video and Picturefile formats like jpeg, jpg, gif, riff, avi, mp3 doc,txt, ppt, pdf, wma, mp3, bmp, png. NTFS data salvageutility rescue accidentally lost or missed data due tohuman error and even when commonly system generatederrors or warnings have been displayed like Drive notformatted, Drive not detected, Operating systemmissing, Boot disk failure, NTLDR is missing, Press anykey to restart, Invalid command and others similarerror messages displayed on Desktop PC, Laptop system.Windows NTFS partition restoration tool supportsrecovery from different type of removable storage medialike USB drive, compact flash drive etc. CrashedWindows partition rescue tool recovers files andfolders even deleted using SHIFT+DEL key. Download NTFSpartition backup software restore data lost due tovirus attack, inaccessible volume partition table,corruption of boot sector, master file table and rootdirectory entries. NTFS data recovery software scansentire hard disk using powerful disk scanningmethodology including standard and advance searchtechniques.NTFS data recovery software features:* Recover deleted data from hard drive with userinteractive GUI interface. * Restore all files even deleted using SHIFT+DEL key onwindows operating system.* Supports all type of storage hard disk drive such asIDE, SATA, SCSI, EIDE for formatted data.* Retrieve data from bad sector affected non removablestorage media.