EBook Maestro FREE - Version 1.80 EBook compiler software is a universal tool to make feature-rich presentations and eBooks with easy access and exchange over the Internet. Freeware eBook Maestro offers the full spectrum of options for non-commercial projects. Users, aiming to reach a wider audience with their texts and audio-visual materials, will find it much easier if they create eBooks with eBook Maestro. The universal simplicity of this eBook maker, reinforced by its strong compression, makes the job of eBook creation, publishing, and exchange a real delight.The eBook compiler offers a rich interface with an array of customizable features, fast search engine, a read-out-loud mode and other refinements. They make the experience of an eBook encounter as comfortable and as interactive as possible. Support for embedded scripts, Flash, Shockwave and video formats provides a richer, more innovative experience compared to other publishing options. To push eBook creation even further along the technology highway, the eBook compiler software allows integrating eBooks with a