Excel Worksheet Separator - Version Excel Worksheet Separatorr is a powerful , efficientand professional excel separate software for excelworkbook. it‘s biggest bright spot is in addition tousing the check boxes to decide to separate out theworksheet, you can also traverse all of . Xls and. Xlsxfor the suffix excel file in the computer . Make youmore easily to operate the desired operation.It is compatible with the excel file of 2000-2007 version.With Excel itself, the operation requires opening eachworkbook, selecting check box, creating some newworkbook, pasting the sheet, saving... But withExcelWorksheet Separatorr, you just load any number ofworkbooks (or even some folders) into the program andsee the list of all worksheets from all workbooks atonce.Excel Worksheet Separator is a powerful and easyto use separate tool for excel workbook.It can quicklyseparate your workbook in few second.Excel Workbooksplitter can help you separate multiple. It Can helpyou to separate into multiple excel workbook files inthe easiest and fastest way. You can add an unlimitednumber of excel workbooks to the list easily. Withjust a few mouse clicks, you can enjoy your work easily.Key Features:1.Separate Excel Worksheets into New Workbooks.2.Auto save worksheets as new separete workbooks.3.Add multiple Excel Workbook at once. 4.Multiple deleted and marked of sheet lists. 5.Can choose the name form of the separated file .6.Traverse an entire Excel folder.7.Open the corresponding Excel document by Double-clickthe sheet list.8.Compatible with EXCEL of windows 2000-2007.