Flash Decompiler and Flash Maker Suite - Version 5.0 Sothink SWF Decompiler supports Flash 6, 7, 8, CS3(9.0) and AS 2.0, 3.0 greatly, and exports AS file inHTML format. Supports Windows Server 2008. Converts SWFto FLA; and extracts elements into common formats.Batch-export is supported, no matter exportingmulti-file to FLA or exporting resource files at onetime. Playback bar fully controls the Flash movie inpreview window. A free Flash catcher is providedtoo.SWF Quicker is the leading Flash SWF editor. It is thebest flash animation editor to edit SWF files or createFlash animations from scratch. Sothink SWF Quickersupports Flash CS4 (V10) and ActionScript 3.0; appliesplenty of built-in animated effects and Flash filtereffects; provides the quick-start templates to makeFlash Albums, Banners, Navigation Buttons and SlideShows. It is powerful yet low cost Flash animationsoftware. Also known as GIF Animator, Sothink SWF Easy makesFlash animation easily and quickly. It creates FlashBanner, Flash Button, Flash Album, Text Animation andFlash Presentation with various Flash templates,resources and effects. This Flash maker also supportsActionScript and UI components. It can import externalresources, simply decompile SWF and export Flash asGIF, AVI and SWF. It is really an easy-to-use andpowerful Flash animation maker.