Hotel Reservation Management - Version Hotel Reservation Management is easy to use applicationcontrolling multiple transactions carried out byhotels. Hotel Reservation Software possess all type ofinformation such as hotel staff, facilities, room type,charges, records, user’s personal information withrestriction of unauthorized access to customer’s data.Hotel Property Management Software is Windows basedapplication providing fast access to informationregarding reservations, bookings, check in and checkout, payment modes and other relevant data for customersatisfaction. Hotel Management System is cost effectivesoftware capable of handling money transactions rapidlyand effectively. Hotel Reservation Management comprises of transactionssuch as check in, check out, booking, add or editcharges. Hotel Management System is implemented to addand edit customer’s personal information such as name,address, city, state, id, country, date of birth etc.Hotel Management System gives report for booking, checkin and check out procedure. Hotel Management System iseffective software performing additional tasks such asload database, view room status, client set up andothers. Hotel Management System handles various day today events and operations to be applied in hotels,motels, restaurants, military, guest houses, inns andother areas.Key features of Hotel Management System• Easy to implement and reconfigure• Add/edit customer information such as name, address,city, state, id, country, date of birth etc• Room status including room no, room type, room flooretc is also provided• Prohibits unauthorized access to customer’s personalinformation• Check in and checkout information like check in date,check out date, staying days etc is also supported• Give date of booking, check in date etc to users• Check/update check in and booking transactions• Generate reports for check in, booking and check outprocess• Handles accounting transactions perfectly• Support Windows OS.