Imagen - Version 2.4.1 Imagen plays a large sequence of numerated images likeit's a normal video clip. When you open a single imageit will scan the folder and detect other imagesfollowing the same naming convention (for example:pic001.jpg, pic002.jpg, pic003.jpg, etc). Don't worryif your sequence has thousands or even hundreds ofthousands of files, it's piece of cake for Imagen. Ifyou're one of those who frequently renders or capturesimages to BMP, DIB, JPEG, PNG, GIF, TGA, TIFF, PCX,BAYER, CIN, CVR, RGB, XPM, SGI, SUN or other sequencesyou will find this player irreplaceable. Unlike otherplayers this one supports images generated on Linux andexpensive high-speed imagers. It also plays AVI, MPEG,HAV, FLC, MP3, OGG, WAV and other multimedia formats.Playback can be slowed down or speeded up. Screenshotsfrom movies can be saved to disk as image files.