ImparfaitToParfait - Version 1.0.1 ImparfaitToParfait is a computer program to help youmaster French verbs. It has two types of exercises:conjugation and deconjugation. Conjugation exercisesrequire you to identify the various conjugations (firstperson singular for use with je, second person singularfor use with tu etc) for tenses such as the present,imperfect and so on. These exercises will increase yourskill in speaking and writing French; having identifiedthe verb you want to use you will become moreproficient at handling the appropriate tense.Contrariwise, the deconjugation exercise requires youto work the opposite way round: a conjugated part ofthe tense of a verb (chosen by the computer) is givento you, and you have to select the correct verb(s),correct tense(s) and correct person (s). Theseexercises will increase your skill in listening to andreading French; you will be able to work out what verb,tense and person is being used and hence understand theintended meaning. A feature of the program is that theuser decides on his/her confidence in answering aquestion and this determines the time before the useris tested again.