LavaMind Study Center - Version 1.0 Welcome to LavaMind's Study Center. Whether you'realready taking a prep course for the SAT I, SAT II,PSAT or ACT exams or studying on your own, we'vedesigned a program that will help you to improve yourscore and test-taking skills. The Study Center ispacked with tutorials and test-taking advice. Takingany exam is a challenge, but there are many things youcan do to improve your results. We've done extensiveresearch and compiled what we deem to be some of thebest strategies and methods for boosting your testscores. Our aim is to provide you with a deepunderstanding of how standardized exams tend tofunction and are structured. If you master the basicrules that we've laid out, you will be able to approachyour exam with greater confidence and a solidfoundation to build upon.