MSSQL DB Converter Software - Version MSSQL to MySQL proves to the beneficial download toconvert single or groups of tables from MSSQL databaseto MySQL server by using several organized algorithmwhich makes the conversion of fully loaded databasesdone in few seconds. Microsoft SQL to MySQL databasefile converter program has features like Unicodesupport, primary keys and indexes conversion,interactive (GUI) mode, built-in scheduler, renaming oftables etc. Database migrator tool supports allversions of MySQL and MSSQL without losing dataintegrity and performance scalability to meet therequirements of database. Database file convertersoftware converts database into new destination,overwrite existing database or even merge sourcedatabase with destination database. Database migrationutility requires less space for its installation andeasily execute over any windows operating system suchas 98, win ME, 2000, win NT, 2003 Server, XP home sp2 ,media center 2005, Vista etc. MSSQL to MySQL conversionservice imports database table views, structures(clustered, non-clustered indexes and unique keys) anddata of bulk size database file and converts all datatypes in MSSQL format. Software is available withhighly interactive graphical user interface, whichitself become easy to use, so there is no need ofhaving expertise in technical knowledge. Features:*Download MSSQL DB converter tool to convert entire orsome rows, columns from MSSQL to MySQL.*Utility supports conversion of all attributes of MSSQLto MySQL.*Cross database migrator utility maintains the databaseintegrity of all converted result.*Generated result with be saved either on new databaseor overwrites the existing one, according the userrequirement.