Medical Record Management (MRM) - Version MRM is a Clinical Medical Record Management Softwarewhich Designed for medical practices who find problemwith maintaining their client's past medical record intheir successive visits; our application will besuiting them. Terminology and reports text are fullycustomizable, using user-friendly data entry forms andmultiple functionalities! Manage your client's medicalrecord with ease. This software manages all thepatient’s the entire visit with their progress notes,allergy details and medication details for individualvisit & along with this you can also attach thedocument per visit. So with this functionality you willget the past record of any patient very easily."MRM" isfast and easy-to-use, it allows real-time customizationand excellent reporting features. Freeware andProfessional editions!Along with the visit of patient also manage patient’sinformation like their email address, contact detailsand doctor’s name.By the use of this software you will be able to mangeyour patient’s all the data and their visit historyvery easily. Other than this it also provides a littledocument management functionality you be able to getall the documents for each & every patient for all thevisits once you have store then in the file room.This software also gives your organization a tool torun smarter by: •Reducing Overhead Cost. •Making it Easier to Share Information. •Protecting Information against Disaster. •Helping Staff Find Information to make Jobs moreEfficient.To use this software you require a minimum 512Mb Raminstalled in your machine. Other than this you alsorequire .net framework 2.0, Firebird server 2.0 andCrystal Report.To see the login details & other requirements to runthis software please refer to text file given with thedownload.