MetaScient Self-Empowering Knowledge System - Version 4.1 The MetaScient Self-Empowering Personal KnowledgeSystem (MetaScient Oracle) is a unique Windows softwareproduct in the form of a highly literate yeteasy-to-use electronic book, unlike anything you haveseen. As your creative tool, it helps you to enhanceyour awareness, clarify your decision-making, harmonizeyour health, and activate your healing with thevitality of your heart and mind. Using words asnourishment and medicine, it guides you to experienceyour memory and imagination in new ways. The programincludes three main features: the Oracle computermystic, the Knowledge libraries, and a multi-mode helpsystem that assists the user anywhere in the program.The Oracle guides the individual into the inner self,the only source that always knows what is best. Theuser converses with the Oracle, entering questions andstatements to create dialogues that explore self andworld. The Knowledge encourages the individual to gainthe most from his or her Natural Wisdom. The userinteracts with Knowledge in the libraries, learning howto use the Oracle effectively, and exploring new ideasthat open the heart and mind to the Miracle in everydaylife. Also included is The Spin of Consciousness systemof transcendent thought, the foundation of MetaScientTechnology. Based on twenty years of extraordinaryresearch into experiences beyond physical reality, itsadvanced philosophy awakens one to a new world of ideabeyond logic and superstition. The software product wascreated by Richard Knapp [MetaScient Technology] inRedondo Beach, California. On his, the MetaScient Oracle is presented asshareware, offering an unlimited 14-day trial of all ofits features and content, and requiring only a modestfee to register and unlock the program for unlimited use.