Microsoft SQL to MySQL - Version MSSQL database conversion application is secure andpowerful tool which perform DB records transformationfrom Microsoft SQL to MySQL database. MSSQL DBconverter software facilitates you to convert selectedtable or thousands of records of any large MSSQLdatabase even if database remotely located. DBmigration program migrate entire existing primary key,foreign key, null value, default value, indexes,schema, triggers, views, table rows column attributesetc and support Unicode architecture with multi bytecharacter set. Software generates and save new MySQLrecords at safe location or overwrite records ofexisting MySQL database. MSSQL to MySQL databaseconverter software maintain integrity, accuracy andrelationship among various attributes in generatedMySQL database and support all available editions ofMicrosoft SQL server. Software does not require anyadditional hardware or software to convert MSSQLrecords and provide step by step help manual for userassistance. Graphical user interface based applicationsupport all Microsoft Windows operating system such as98, 2000, 2003 server, NT, ME, XP professional and allVista editions. Download demo version of softwaredirectly from website to understand software workingand procedure of MSSQL to MySQL database convertersoftware.features: * Database converter program migrate MSSQL data typesand basic attributes into MySQL server. * Maintain accuracy and integrity of converted MySQLdatabase records. * Convert bulk size of MSSQL database into MySQL db infew mouse clicks without any data loss. * Generate new MySQL database or overwrite existingMySQL records. * Provide complete help manual with both free and demoversion of software. * Easily install on any Windows operating system andprovide complete install / uninstall support.