Mobile-Hunt - Version Mobile-Hunt is a professional tool for searching new orused cars in the most used automobile portals fromGermany and Europe. Our software searches in allportals and shows to you the results instantly so youwill be the first customer that will know when a newcar is available. * You can create as much queries as you want, savethem on your computer as a template and use them anytime you want. * You can filter the results and you can set to bealerted when a new car is available. You can use foralert a sound or a popup window. * You can view all the details of the car directlyfrom the program or you can open the web site thathosts the announce in a new browser window. * You can print the details of the selected carwith just one click. * The program is updating automatically at everyrun in the background so you will always use the latestversion. * Do not waste time visiting dozens of carwebsites. Submit your car search request directly fromour software and get the results instantly!