Note Wonder - Version 1.51 Note Wonder is the world's friendliest PC notesorganizer, combining the power of a personalinformation manager with the ease-of-use of Notepad. It provides an easily accessible place to quickly jotdown, store, and retrieve all those little tidbits ofinformation you hate to lose, but never know where tokeep. Note Wonder employs a simple intuitive interface,offering the convenience of paper notes withoutcluttering up your Windows desktop. In addition toentering and retrieving information, you can setreminder alarms, categorize notes into folders, e-mailnotes, create and use templates, print notes, and muchmore. And because it runs in the System Tray, you haveinstant access to the program and your notes.With Note Wonder, users can easily:- Add, edit and view notes- Set one-time and recurring (repeat daily, weekly,monthly or yearly) reminder alarms for events- Assign notes to user-defined Category Folders forbetter organization- Search for any text within any note- Create and use note templates to make entering notesquicker- E-mail notes (if any MAPI compliant e-mail programlike the Outlook or Eudora family of e-mail programs isinstalled)- Print notes- Sort notes by number, text, next alarm, date createdor modified- Automatically launch your browser to go to URLscontained in a note- Customize fonts, foreground and background colors- Import small text files (<32K) into notes- Export notes to standard or Note Wonder enhanced textfiles- Automatically insert date, time, and/or day of weekinto notes- Optionally enable sounds to associate with individualprogram events- Check for, and automatically upgrade to newer versionsThere is a fully functional evaluation version limitedto 8 notes; the unlimited note version is $29.77.