NotesPlusPlus - Version 4.6 Sticky notes software that offers you an easy way tokeep all information you have to remember on thedesktop and manage your time in a more efficient way.This is a great tool to organize information, maketo-do lists or just write down ideas and thoughts usingdesktop sticky notes and desktop reminders. You'll beamazed at how easy and quickly you can create desktopsticky notes and provide them with alarm to makereminders. Alarm set feature available in the programwon't let you ever more forget about important thingsby alerting you at any specified time. This stickynotes reminder program is developed to make your workwith information as convenient as possible. So you cancreate, edit and print electronic sticky notes usingdifferent fonts and colors; set alarm and noteexpiration time for any computer sticky note; attachfiles/urls to sticky notes; associate virtual stickynotes with files; modify all sticky note settings; setup default settings for newly created notes; acceleratework using hotkeys; lock sticky notes to preventunauthorized use; import *.txt and *.rtf files tosticky notes; save sticky notes in *.txt, *.rtfformats; save sticky notes as pictures (*.jpg, *.bmpformats). Notes ++ is organized to maintain threesecurity levels that ensures safe operation in amultiuser environment and allows you to protect notesfrom unauthorized access. Furthermore, all informationis encrypted using the strongest algorithms (with256-bit key encryption).