Random Number Generator - Version 1.0 Random Number Generator is a Windows based applicationdesigned to generate quickly generate thousands randomnumbers in seconds. Random Number Generator Programallow users to add the prefix and suffix with all thenumbers generated. So the generated random numbers canbe positive or negative. Random numbers can be edit andcopied to the clipboard for pasting into otherapplications. Random Number Generator can print allrandom numbers or save numbers as file. Random NumberGenerator will generate to 5000 numbers at the time.Random Number Generator is a software that featuresrich editing capabilities with clipboard support,undo/redo, sorting. A Random Number Generator is afunction object that can be used to generate a randomsequence of integers. That is: if f is a Random NumberGenerator and N is a positive integer, then f(N) willreturn an integer less than N and greater than or equalto 0. You can also generare the list in the sequence.Digits can be extand up to 18. You can create any ofthe list random list, secuential list or constant valuelist with length atmost 18.