ScreenNemo - Version 1.0 ScreenNemo is the desktop screen recording program thatallows users to capture continuous images on the screenas a movie. Movies are created in the proprietary movieformat ‘sgm’, and can only be played using theScreenNemo Player, which is freely available on theScreenNemo Homepage. Users can use ScreenNemo tomonitors all desktop activity, including Remote Controlsessions, X-Windows, SSH sessions or local applicationsessions. ScreenNemo users can audit servers and PCs, or exerciseParental Control by running ScreenNemo remotely as abackground application whenever it is needed.ScreenNemo can also be used to create movies to producedemonstrable support solutions including softwareinstalls, business presentations, and educationalmaterials such as tutorials.As ScreenNemo is a brand new technology, the licensewill include a One Year Warranty, which will entitlelicensed users to freely receive all updates, and upgrades.