Simple Bookkeeping Software - Version Financial accounting and inventory management softwareis an easy to use and powerful utility designed forboth small and large scale business enterprises toprofitably maintain the overall company financialtransactions and accounting records in real time.User-friendly financial managerial software offersrobust and flexible solution to manage and maintaincompany accounting records, customer-vendor records,business transaction record, tax information, inventorymanagement, income-expense analysis, sales-purchaserecord, profit -loss analysis and other accountingentries in real time. Advanced billing and invoicingapplication successfully maintain all your businessrelated activities and effectively manage the entireinventory and accounting records in reliable andaccurate way at a single host computer system. WindowsCompatible business accounting program security featureprovide user authentication facility to the users sothat unauthorized user can not access the companyfinancial records. Application generates businessaccounting reports, stock reports, purchase report,income-expense reports and other business reports andsave the generated financial reports at specifiedlocation for future reference. Prominent financialaccounts management tool has excellent GUI supportwithout requiring any complex technical skills oraccounting training to operate the accounting software.Software Features:*Accounting software accurately manages businessfinancial transaction details in real time*Easy to install Software is cost-effective and notechnical skills needed to work on account managingprogram.* Simple bookkeeping software facilitates Bill Sundrycreation and Tax type including Sale Tax and Purchase Tax.*Financial accounting and inventory managementapplication reliably and accurately prepares Finalreports including balance sheets, trial balance andprofit/loss report.