SurfNotes - Version 2.01 SurfNotes is great tool that solves of the problem ofstoring and organizing Web addresses on or off line, inor out of your Browser. You can easily copy and pasteaddresses in SurfNotes for use now or at a moreconvenient time. Add a description or keywords in theDescription Line to categorize or identify the addressfor easy retrieval. In this way, you can use thesearch function to find the web address days, weeks ormonths later when you can't quite remember what thewebsite was named; but you can remember that it hadsomething to do with "web security" or "recipes" or"wholesale books" or whatever your interests may be. In addition, you can add more notes about the site inyour own words on the Note Tab. Take heart in the factthat forgetting a website address you thought was justgreat and unforgettable is not a senior moment or thebeginning of Alzheimer's, it is just that theavailability on the web of so much interestinginformation to manage is overwhelming; and SurfNotes isa easy solution.When you are ready to surf the net, double clickaddress and SurfNotes automatically feeds the selectedaddress to your browser. It can also place or receiveaddresses from any other source. Search and printaddresses by any criteria. Using cut and paste, you cancopy notes to or from sites, track sites that you wishto monitor, and keep track of what you are doing on theweb. The SurfNotes Icon is in task bar is just a clickaway for immediate use. SurfNotes couldn't be easieror more convenient. SurfNotes is an invaluable toolfor anyone who surfs the web. Free 30-day trial!