TaskMerlin Task Management Software - Version TaskMerlin is an intuitive and easy-to-use href="http://www.taskmerlin.com/">project management software and href="http://www.taskmerlin.com/gtd.aspx">GTD software tool. TaskMerlin makes it simple to organize projects, tasks and to-do lists, and share them with colleagues over an office or home network (LAN) or by e-mail. Information can be as simple as notes and appointments, or as complex as multi-person, multi-year projects.Unlike other task management software, TaskMerlin offers complete flexibility for naming, structuring, and viewing your tasks. Easily store, organize, manage, and retrieve information. This information can be as simple as notes and appointments, or as complex as multi-person, multi-year projects. Supports David Allen's GTD (Getting Things Done) task and project management software system.