TimeRanger - Version 1.5 TimeRanger lets you define any type and any number ofevents to be timed. It will alert you visually andaudibly or run any program when events reach due time.You can define absolute or relative time events to berepeated daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. Recurringevents are automatically adjusted to their next valueonce they have past. TimeRanger keeps you informed ofthe events you missed when the machine was turned off.The "Atomic Time" option keeps your system clockaligned with the time server of your choice, over theInternet. Included is a list of more than one hundredAtomic time servers worldwide to choose from."Accounts Keeper" keeps track and cumulates everysecond spent doing any user defined task. Enter anhourly rate and it will calculate the global cost. Ifyou run some kind of a Help Desk, bill your customerson an hourly basis or simply want to know how much timeyou have spent doing any thing, you need this. "Sound Maker" lets you create alarm sounds for yourInternal PC speaker. These sounds can be attached toyour timed events so you won't miss them when theyreach due time."Time Utilities" gives you access to Easter date forany year, phases of the moon on any date, calendricalfunctions, the Internet Time, Fridays 13 for any yearand a user definable list of time related Web links.The Freeware version never expires but is limited inthe number of events you can define. Try it!