TypeSpeak - Version 1.0 Type & Speak / Text to Speech Software for WindowsLet PC speaks out your thinkings! TypeSpeak 1.0 enables your PC to quickly speaks out words that lay in your heart by type them with your keyboard. You'll find out how much fun and so useful sometimes of it and how easy to use just as using a chat program, such as ICQ, MSN/Yahoo Messenger. Now! You can employ dozen voices and multiple languages(English, French, Spaish, German and more!) even with AT&T Natural Voices.New Features:1. Speak out text that you typed just as using a chat program. 2. Real time [Status] display to indicate whether the current status is Speaking or Silent. 3. Highlight the word to show which being spoken there currently. 4. Respeak text that you typed last time or whatever text just by selected them. 5. Stop & Pause the speaking immediately. 6. Change the different Voices and multiple languages, Support all advanced SAPI5 complied TTS Voice Engines(e.g. NeoSpeech). 7. Change the Volume and Speaking Speed immediately. 8. Reset and clear the Text Show window. 9. Covnvert text to speech and save to disk file with WAV format. 10. Open and play a WAV file, which might be a song or speech that you converted and saved before. 11. 2 free voices( Microsoft Sam, Mary, and Mike ) are distributed with TypeSpeak.