Video Converter Application - Version 9.1 Video Converter is powerful and independent applicationthat effortlessly converts video format to popular anddesired video format with simplified process. Converteris designed with intuitive graphical interface toconvert wide variety of video format to numerous videoformat including AVI, MP4, MOV, ASF, RM, 3GP, 3GPP2,for compatible multi-media player. Apart video andaudio extraction, tool allows user to capture favouriteimage by highlighting position and modifying variousimage settings and save in distinct image file formatsuch as BMP, JPEG, TIFF, GIFF on distinct versions ofWindows Operating System including Windows Me operatingSystem, Windows Vista Operating system, Windows XPoperating system.Video Converter is a comprehensive solution ataffordable cost that provide imperious options like addbatch, add video files, import option, delete file,browse option. Application program is easy software forconverting video file format to other file formatwithout distorting video and audio settings bybeginners. Amazing software is simple to operatesoftware without technical expertise and third partyinvolvement on distinct versions of Windows operatingsystem. Key features of Video Converter • Simple to use application for converting distinctvideo file format to other video format.• Ability to convert numerous video file formats intosingle video file format through batch conversion andisolated video conversion by partial conversion.• User friendly interface offer distinctive optionssuch as add batch, add video files, import option,delete file, browse option.• Complete solution with all codec/decode system fordistinctive and compatible multi media player.• Ability to convert audio and video file formatinstantly in supported formats such as MKV, AVI, FLV,SWF, 3G2, ASF, MPV, WMV, 3GP, TOD.• Swiftly extract audio file format from listed videofile format.