WAB to Outlook 2007 - Version 3.01 Right Now you are searching for software to Convert WABto Outlook 2007, Convert WAB to Outlook 2000, ConvertWAB to Outlook 2003, and Convert WAB to Outlook 2010.But you still have not come across a single tool thatcan convert WAB to PST. Now WAB Exporter Softwareoffers this opportunity to successfully convert theseall conversion and provided complete solution forusers. Technical and non technical users easy to usethis software and WAB to Outlook 2007 tool offers somekey features such as- Move WAB to PST with bothConfigured and Orphaned files, program has facility ofeasy Graphical User Interface, workable on all windowsversions like 98,2000, 2003, Vista, 2007 and XP.Convert WAB to Outlook 2007 program provided thefacility free demo of the software which find out theefficiency of the program. You want purchase thissoftware at $49.full version of the software convertcontacts from WAB to PST.