Windows FAT Recovery Program - Version Quick windows Vista FAT files unerase software undeletedata files which have been damaged due to FAT (fileallocation table) partition failure. FAT partitionfiles salvage utility can retrieve all kind of damageddocuments like word documents, pictures, images, photo,songs and audio video clips. Notebook FAT files revivalprogram unerase erased files due to power failure,virus attack, windows registry corruption, systemmalfunction and operating system error. Hard disk FATpartition repair tool has GUI (graphical userinterface) wizard and compatible with all FATpartitions including FAT, VFAT, FAT12, FAT16 and FAT32.Laptop windows FAT data revival application providesupport for all major hard disk brands such as HP, IBM,Fujitsu, Seagate, Sony, Adaptec, Intel, Toshiba,Maxtor, Hitachi, Samsung, Lenovo, Fujitsu, Seagate,Sony, western digital and many more. Professionalpartition FAT files recovery does not need anytechnical knowledge for handling it and providessupport for all type of disk drives including ATA,SCSI, IDE, EIDE and SATA on all higher capacities.Notebook Vista FAT files salvage utility can run on allwindows operating systems like XP, NT, ME, 98, 2000,2003 and Vista versions.Features:* Hard disk FAT partition revival application rescueinaccessible data damaged due to virus infected,hardware/software fault, unexpected system shutdown andmany other reasons.* Mini hard drive FAT partition files salvage tool canretrieve all FAT partition corrupted data likepictures, songs, files, folders, images, music andother essential office documents.* Notebook disk FAT data retrieval program has GUIwizard and compatible with all windows Vista Business,Vista Ultimate, Vista Home Basic and Vista Home Premium.* Recover files accidentally deleted on MS Windowsoperating system.