Xpert-Timer Project Time Tracking - Version 2.5 Xpert-Timer is a project timing software which can helpyou keep accurate track of the time spent for each andevery activity by all the members of a team. Thenetworkable project time tracking software includes astopwatch that automatically stopps your project timesand floats on your desktop. No need of entering timesmanually anymore.With Xpert-Timer you can assign projects to otherusers, send them tasks, export reports or print them ifdesired.The activity report keeps you always updated onthe project progress and offers many filter functions.The synchronization module allows you to record yourproject time offline and synchronize is with thecompany database. There's also an optional reportingmodule, you can design your favoured reports with.You can add reimbursable expenses to your projects andcreate the invoice to your client directly out ofXpert-Timer. The invoice management allows you to keepan overview over the overdue invoices and offersmultiple options to filter the data. Xpert-Design software is known for designing easy touse but effective software. A well structured onlinehelp should give answers to almost every question. Forfurther assistance contact: service@xpertdesign.deKey features: Time bar for quick project change, To-Do list, all kinds of reports, networkable, unlimited projects, cost calculation, email function,synchronization of offline tracked time, createinvoices, allows multiple timestamps at the same timeframe, add reimbursable expenses to the projects,drag&drop timestamps easily, copy projects easily