mlm ideas - Version 1.0 MLM ideas,or multi-level marketing ideas are nearly essential in today's business world. MLM ideais any idea that is considered a marketing strategy that causes sales from not only the company, butalso sales for companies down line of the production scheme. Other terms for MLM ideas are networkmarketing ideas, pyramid selling, and referral marketing. There are many different MLM ideas whichcontain infinite possibilities. The internet has been quite a hit for MLM ideas. It provides a place, ifused correctly, to promote to millions of people in a very short amount of a time. For example, if acompany can exploit the "viral" type video and somehow advertise through that, then they can reachupwards of 20 million views in a matter of days. In addition to this one of the fastest methods is to useonline attraction. There have also been sites that actually cash in on the MLM idea in itself to promoteother products in some sort of cyclical fashion. For example, I came across a website with an articletitled "Best MLM Ideas for Success". However, their