CNSearch Pro - Version 1.3 CNSearch Pro is a simple-to-install and use searchsystem for WEB-sites with extended capabilities.Supports Linux, FreeBSD, Windows, and Solaris platforms.Indexes files of types: .pdf, .mp3, .html, .doc, .rtf,.txt. Provides full-text indexing, highlightedquotations in search results, accumulates statistics onuser requests (with an opportunity of passwordmanagement, date and phrase ranking), morphologysupport, stop-words support, search phrase support.Doesn't require any database, only access to '/cgi-bin'directory is required. CNSearch Pro was designed andtested to work at any hosting provider.Demo-version limits: a link to insearch results, a banner and a warning reminding toregister software version.Before registering your software, please, download andtry a demo-version.