FLUX Options Trading Strategy - Version 1 Options trading strategy FLUX2 offers a powerful trading system we designed for ourselves to be able to trade large amounts of money in a most stable way for exceedingly extreme amounts of potential returns over time. With FLUX2 and options we were looking for a method that was able to trade the "Most Definite Trend" You'll learn an incredible, unique, proprietary trading strategy infused within the FLUX2 trading system that will have a powerful impact on your trading for the rest of your life. You'll learn to get on the high probability, right side of a trend and stay there, hang in for the full ride until the trend officially shifts. We'll show you how! FLUX2 Options trading strategy is a home study course that will teach you a way to trade for life. You will be able to trade any stocks you want with options after you have this course. We'll teach you the system of FLUX2 plus we'll teach you all the rest about trading an options trading system successfully that only few people teach, that only a few people have the