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    • Inner Peace - Free Self-Counseling Software for Inner Peace

      -  Version  2.10.04
      Free self-counseling software for inner peace. Use
      Inner Peace for inner peace. Imagine life with more
      inner peace. What would that be like? Let go of issues
      that interfere with inner peace. Create states that
      support inner peace. Easy to learn, do, teach. Try it.
      Especially helpful at discovering underlying issues for
      which people turn to substances, violence, and other
      unhealthy behaviors as *solutions.* Excellent companion
      to any therapy. Ideal for people under stress or in
      recovery. Totally confidential. Fun. Free support for
      all. Runs online or offline on any computer system:
      Windows, Mac, Linux. Forever Free Software licensed
      under the GNU General Public License. No charges, no
      advertisments, no solicitations, nothing for sale.
      Enjoy Inner Peace. Put it on public computers in
      libraries and schools. You can even take old 386
      computers, set them up as Inner Peace computers, and
      put them in churches, counseling centers, shelters,
      rehab centers, halfway houses, and other places where
      people in need of emotional healing can get can get
      access. Help spread Inner Peace. Many suffer needlessly
      from emotional pain. Inner Peace can help. Angers,
      grudges, guilts, resentments, regrets, fears, doubts,
      anxieties, etc. can all be handled. Inner Peace can
      also be used as a human resource tool at work. Set up
      Inner Peace on old computers in the HR office and let
      people handle their issues. Help us pass word about
      Inner Peace. We especially love articles, reviews,
      links. Please tell webmasters about Inner Peace. We
      really love links, reviews, and articles. Also, many
      newspapers, magazines, TV shows do features about
      computers. Have them do a review of Inner Peace. If you
      have friends in foreign countries, please tell them
      about Inner Peace. We need people to translate it into
      many languages. Imagine the whole world at peace. What
      would that be like? Peace is possible. World peace will
      come, one individual at a time. Try Inner Peace now. It
      works. Enjoy Inner Peace. Pass it on.
    Program Details
    Publisher Name
    InnerPeace Volunteers
    Software Home Page
    Windows 95 - Windows 98 - Windows ME - Windows
    File Size
    43 KB
    File Date
    Expires On
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    Other Expiration Info
    Install/Uninstall Support
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