Pivo Ping Component - Version 1.01 Pivo.Ping allows you to effortless enable yourapplications to send Internet Control Message Protocol(Ping/ICMP) packets in .NET. Programmatically ping aremote server, host, route, or any network device tosee if it is up. Pivo.Ping fully supports RFC 792standard. Pivo.Ping is a server component. It requires theMicrosoft .NET runtime in order to function properly.Pivo.Ping is used to programmatically ping hosts on anetwork.A 'Ping' is a technique for sending an ICMP (InternetControl Message Protocol) packet(s) to a remote host.If the remote host is up, and supports ICMP, a controlmessage, or packet, will be sent back to the sender.This technique provides a mechanism for feedback aboutcommunication problems in a networked environment.Pivo.Ping abstracts this mechanism in an easy to usemanner for the programmer. For more information aboutICMP, check out the RFC 792 athttp://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc792.html. Pivo.Ping can only be used programmatically from a.NET environment, including, but not limited to,ASP.NET, winforms, console applications, and webservices. Here are two brief examples for usingPivo.Ping from C# and Visual Basic. The followingexample pings www.pivo.com. [C#] Private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsPostBack ) { Pivo.Ping.Icmp icmp = newPivo.Ping.Icmp("www.pivo.com"); for (int i = 0; i < 4;i++) {Console.WriteLine(icmp.Ping().TotalMilliseconds); } } }.Pivo.Ping is a low overhead, highly optimized assemblythat needs the Microsoft .NET (or equivalent) frameworkto run. Any system that can support the Microsoft.NETframework will be able to use Pivo.Ping. Pivo.Ping canbe used from any environment supported by .NET, whichcan include winforms, ASP.NET, console applications,components, or web services.