RainMaker Software - Version 1 Craigslist Posting software and automated Classified Posting tool. Craigslist Posting Software is online and automated marketing and business software. Rain-clouds is an online software provider for Craigslist Software. RainMaker craigslist ad posting software will automated your business marketing with minimum effort.Set up your ad, and let the software submit your ads on a scheduled basis to craigslist. The software has the capability to bypass the captcha codes. Its the ideal real-estate marketing software, and a must have for any realtor or niche marketer. The craigslist software will ensure geo targetted clients in your chosen market. The tool has the capability to rotate several variables in order to make your craigslist ads unique and ensuring that your ads stick to the top of the craigslist listings. Overcome the flagging problem many marketers face by re-submitting flagged ads. The software will log your ad performance against the craigslist system, and automatically resubmitt your ads. The tool is said to be one of the best internet marketing tools, since it can also