Snappy Invoice System - Version 4.4.5 Once you've spent just a few minutes with the program,you can prepare and print invoices and sales receiptsin literally seconds! Designed with ease of use as aprimary feature, the friendly menu system will help youmaintain Product and Customer Lists, quickly search forpast documents, print useful reports, E-mail invoicesto customers, and much more. A powerful, easy-to-usesearch wizard makes locating previous entries fast andeasy. A built in Sales Journal will help you track howmany sales were made during a certain period, monitorsalesperson performance, and determine the total amountof sales tax collected for a given period. It alsokeeps customer and product lists so you can reuse dataand minimize typing. Sales tax is computedautomatically, and you have the option to applydiscounts and override data -- giving you completecontrol and flexibility when creating invoices andsales receipts. Invoices can be E-mailed quickly andeasily at the press of a button. In addition to itsintuitive design and friendly menu system, the programinstalls with a concise, well-written help system toensure you can fully use all its functions right away. Although not usual, if further assistance is needed,just refer to the "Technical Support" section in thehelp system to get personalized help.