uberSVN - Version 11.08 1. IntroductionThis user guide describes the beta edition of WANdisco's uberSVN.Welcome to the uberSVN User Guide - quick start guide to getting uberSVN set up, a reference for getting the most out of uberSVN and getting more done, more quickly with Subversion.1.1 What is uberSVNuberSVN, as the name suggests, is intended to be the ultimate Subversion distribution. Developed with growth in mind, expanding the scope and functionality of Subversion (utilizing WANdisco's own rock-solid Subversion binaries) and delivering a fuller, more complete Free-to-use package than is currently available elsewhere.1.2 uberSVN FamilyWhile uberSVN is focused only on expanding the scope and functionality of Subversion, later products will expand into full ALM stacks, based on a completely