Desktop Monitoring - Version 12.01.01 Time wastage by employees in chatting, shopping,playing online games and visiting social networkingsites is such an activity that directly affects theperformance of any organization. To control it, desktopmonitoring tool is the best possible solution, as itenables administrator, manager or any high authority toview and record employee desktop activities. Softwareenables the user to remotely register and install agenton computers that need to be monitored. Once selectedcomputers are registered, all activities that arehappening on their desktops can be monitored. Theseactivities can also be recorded and saved as AVI filesby scheduling online recording. Desktop monitoring toolalso helps to keep a check on employee desktopactivities by providing the feature of offlinerecording. This recoding option enables the user torecord employee desktop activities in his or herabsence. Moreover, you can perform monitoring ondual-screens at a single workstation. Computers thatare registered with Desktop Monitoring tool can alsomanaged remotely, as options like restart, shutdown,remove wallpaper, log off and start screensaver arealso embedded. Demo version of the desktop monitoringtool is also available for free download. The demoversion enables the user to register one computer andview its desktop activities for 7 days of trial periodand lets you record activities for 5 minutes. Optionsto record employee desktop activities are not availablein demo version and purchase of full version isrequired for availing these options. For moreinformation visit