How to Recover SQL Data from Suspect Mode - Version 4.7 Have you backed up your data? This is the mostimportant question after any such corruption issueoccurs, leading to crucial data loss as the most idealway to resolve this corruption issue is by restoringthe data from an updated backup. However, in case ofinaccessibility of database backup, you have to lookfor alternate solutions to get restore SQL Server. SQLdatabase Server application is a database managementtool produced by Microsoft Corporation. Thisapplication is used to query databases and to managethe data information stored in already formeddatabases. The files in MS SQL are saved in .mdf fileextension. Today's generation is blessed with otherways of dealing with data loss problems. The best oneis the use of data recovery software tools. Whetherthere is an accidental deletion of a file or completecrash of the hard disk or if the computer catches adata-corrupting virus; data recovery is the solution onwhich the users can bank upon with closed eyes. Butagain, closing the eyes completely at the time ofchoosing a data recovery software product will againdrop the user into another trouble pit. So, choosingthe right software is also imperative. SysTools SQLRecovery software is an exemplary tool to recover SQLdatabase from suspect mode efficiently and it will curball the fear and hesitation of users associated withthe use of any new software technology. This SQL Serverrecovery tool ensures quick, safe, unaltered, easy andcost-effective utility to repair SQL database showingsuspect error. The software can be the most usefulresurgence option a user can choose for recovery of SQLServer 2000 from suspect mode. Software supports allthe version of Windows like: Windows 98, 2000, XP,2003, Vista, Windows 7. You can first try its demofacility to evaluate the full version after gettingyourself satisfied you can order for the full licenseversion at just $129.