Fantastic Video Alarm Manager Standard - Version 4.0 The program has been designed as universal program forsecurity hybrid platforms running all together withwireless and wired IP cameras, Television-cards,capture cards, power-line, and USB cameras. It hasweb interface with the similar appearance andfunctionality on the local and distant workstations.Customers watch MPEG-4 coded video and have completecontrol of the program via net that surveillancestation can be operated without screen, keyboard, andmouse attached. Program`s modular compositionconsiderably improves reliability because all unitswork as independent software. If one unit stopsworking, other components keep on running. For exampleif the `capture` unit stops working, `watchdog` startsagain it immediately that viewers don`t notice anythingbecause they are watching video using a `playback`part. The software makes `repeated` recording thatthe `hard drive full` situation never happens. Therecording can be non-stop or it can be started byactivity, human face recognition, or by schedule. Theprogram has pre-alarm and post-alarm recording. Playingback recorded video is pretty easy and performs on thesurveillance server as well as on remote computerthrough Web interface. The program performssynchronized video playback for event examination frommany cameras concurrently. Also recorded files can besearched by date, time or by face detected. Allrecorded information can be encrypted and passwordprotected.