Team Beachbody Coach - Version 1.0 Hi friend, and welcome to my Team Beachbody blog! No matter whether you're a network marketer experiencing frustration and disappointment in your current opportunity, or someone curious about the Beachbody business opportunity, there's a common thread that binds us, and that's wanting to know exactly what it's going to take to achieve greater success than what we're currently achieving.If you're anything like I was before I connected with Team Beachbody, you're tired of beating your head up against the same wall with the exact same results. You've had it with watching others around you have massive success with their projects and ventures, while you continue to take two steps forward, and two steps back.Expectations for Team Beachbody Coach Jamie GaymonBefore we go any further, I want to make one thing clear and apparent-anyone in the home based business,