Flip Book Maker Themes for A Rainbow - Version 1.0 A rainbow is an arch of different colors that you can sometimes see in the sky when it is raining. Most people are excited about seeing a rainbow arches the heavens. On one hand, it is not so regular to see; on the other hand, a rainbow contains so many colors, it is dreamy and beautifully. What's more, it is unapproachable for most of us. Here the A Rainbow themes are to show you three pictures of wonderful rainbow arch the sky. The first theme is to show you a rainbow across the hill. The rainbow makes the peaceful hills be more vivid and wonderful. The second theme is a rainbow described and arc in the sky. It is shinning and dreamy. The third theme brings you into cloud. Here you can see a fainter rainbow is arching the clouds. With the colorful fire balloon, it forms a picture of peaceful, pure and dreamy world. If you are interested in rainbow themes, just download the rainbow themes and enjoy your reading with flip book maker.