Move EDB to PST - Version 3.2 PDS Move EDB to PST software smartly & elegantly moveEDB file to PST when .EDB file gets awfully corrupt ordamage due to unwanted Exchange server issues like as- Jet engine error, Virus attack, Software & hardwaredisputes, Log files error, Malfunctioning error etc.Microsoft EDB to PST conversion tool easily migrate EDBfile from corrupt EDB database and move Exchange EDB toPST with complete mailboxes such as- Notes, Contacts,Calendars, Tasks, Journals, Meeting, Inbox, Outbox,Sent items, Draft, Deleted folders, User created folderetc. Move Exchange database from such Exchange serverversions- 2010, 2007, 2003, 2000, 5.5, 5.0.Brilliant Key- Features of Move EDB to PST software -* Open EDB file and move EDB file Exchange into PST.* Import EDB to PST and export Exchange EDB to Outlook.* Repair & recover corrupt EDB file into new healthy.PST file.* Export Exchange mailbox to PST with complete mailboxes.* Export EDB to PST of such EDB file versions- 2010,2007, 2003, 2000, 5.5, 5.0.* Full install & uninstall O/S - 95, 98, 2000, 2002,2003, Win7, Vista.* Purchase full version license key of Microsoft EDB toPST converter software at USD 299 price and save EDBinto PST nicely.